
Arun Sharma · November 22, 2020

FlatBuffer as serialization agnostic IDL

Many popular IDLs mix the following two separate concerns into one leading to less than optimal results.

  • Language agnostic type system supporting enums, types and variants/unions.
  • RPC oriented wire format with backward compatibility as a first class concern

Mixing these two concerns has many downsides. The first one is the weakening of the type system. Suppose we have a union containing two things:

union {

The generated code from the IDL compiler may add a third state - “not defined” or similar to deal with the case that the RPC was sent from an old client. This concern now permeates code at other layers in the stack where one doesn’t necessarily need to worry about this third state. This could happen for example if we fail the request at the lower levels of the stack and deal with only two possibilities in the application logic.

Secondly, scalars and types may have different syntax in how optionality is expressed. My understanding is that this is also driven by the serialization concern in the flatbuffer IDL.

What about serialziation then?

Yes, someone has to do the work for serialization. A good way forward is to do it in a language specific library. Rust has serde and Python has pure-protobuf.

class Cat:
    name: str
    age: int

Example IDL

This work (flattools) separates these two concerns as described above. It adopts the flatbuffer IDL (since it doesn’t have the field numbering concern in the IDL, significantly simplyfying the language). Attributes have been used to support high level type safe concepts such as Protocols and Views (a concept similar to graphql fragments).

Here is a flatbuffer derived IDL file.

enum Color : byte { Red = 1, Green, Blue }

table NamedAnimal (protocol) {
    name : string (required);
    age : short;

table Colorophile (view) {
    favorite_color: Color;

table Animal {
    name : string (required);
    length: ulong;

// Some languages prefer protocols like NamedAnimal
// as a subclass syntactically. When all supported
// languages do so, it's ok to add the protocol here
table Person (Animal, Colorophile) {
    address : string;
    age : short = 18;

table Product {
    label: string;
    price: int;

union Item {

Running it through the generator results in the following Rust code:

// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
enum Color {
    Red = 1,
    Green = 2,
    Blue = 3,

pub struct NamedAnimal {
    pub name: String,
    pub age: Option<i16>,

pub struct Animal {
    pub name: String,
    pub length: Option<u64>,

pub struct Person {
    pub address: Option<String>,
    pub age: Option<i16>,
    pub favorite_color: Color,

impl Default for Person {
    fn default() -> Person {
        Person {
           age: Some(18),

pub struct Product {
    pub label: Option<String>,
    pub price: Option<i32>,

enum Item {

Similar output exists for Kotlin, Swift and Python3 + dataclasses in the same directory.

Backward Compatibility

Using the deprecated attribute is recommended.

Future Improvements

  • Expand the set of supported languages
  • Add decorators for serialization

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