
Arun Sharma · October 18, 2020

Fquery Improvements

A few months ago, I published some code as open source with minimal unit tests and without much of an announcement. This is an attempt to describe what the code does with some pointers to other similar projects.

Similar projects

You may be familiar with projects like Kotlin’s Async Flow or Typegraphql.

These projects present an object graph as asynchrounous generators with a friendly method chaining API. All you do is a mostly framework free plain-old objects with some decorators thrown in. Typegraphql uses @Entity, @Field decorators for example.

Like Kotlin async flow, this package implements a bunch of operators, which can be combined with python dataclasses and some decorators to express queries. The generators themselves are lazy/cold. No work is done unless requested. Like Kotlin’s collect, we have to_json() and as_dict() as terminal operators.

What Does fquery do?

fquery is built on top of aioitertools and python’s async generators. It provides a few intermediate and terminal operators so you can create a type safe query builder in python. It provides a few decorators that you can use to annotate your dataclasses. Lastly, it can serialize the query to SQL (experimental feature) or you can serialize to an expression that can be transported on the wire to a backend for remote execution.

Specifying objects

class MockUser(ViewModel):
    name: str
    age: int

    async def friends(self) -> List["MockUser"]:
        yield [MockUser.get(m) for m in range(3 * self.id, 3 * self.id + 3)]

    async def reviews(self) -> List["MockReview"]:
        yield [
            MockReview.get(m) for m in range(3 * self.id + 300, 3 * self.id + 300 + 5)

    def get(id: int) -> "MockUser":

class MockReview(ViewModel):
    business: str
    rating: int
    author: MockUser

    async def author(self) -> MockUser:
        yield self.author

    def get(id: int) -> "MockReview":

Super simple isn’t it? For each of the types, you’ll need to implement a Resolver object. These objects are typically named as MockUserQuery or MockReviewQuery and provide a resolve_obj() method. This way, all the details of how to fetch an object given it’s ID and how to resolve an edge is abstracted out from the actual query execution mechanism.


To understand the internals, you can look at walk.py. materialize_walk() and materialize_walk_obj() are key interfaces. They’re described by included unit tests.

External Interface

The supported operators are documented in test_operators.py. Sample query:

    async def test_edge_project_other_kind(self):
        resp = (
            await UserQuery(range(1, 5))
            .project(["business", "rating", ":id"])

Future Improvements

  • The MockUser class inherits from ViewModel class. We can move that into decorators.
  • Support more complex SQL queries
  • Serialization to other like minded query languages
  • Support for graphql on top of this infra
  • Tighter integration into Django and Flask

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